2021 has certainly been a crazy year, and maybe with all the stress and uncertainty you may have become sidetracked from your goals and dreams in life, and have been feeling overwhelmed! I know that I have struggled this year, but, the good news is that no matter how 2021 went, you can still reset and take back control of your life in 2022.
Yes, we are still in the middle of a pandemic and everything is still a bit chaotic and uncertain, but that doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your dreams, although you may need to do some readjusting!

No matter where you are right now, the beginning of 2022 is the perfect time to take stock and reset your life.
Take back control of your life in 2022
The start of a New Year is the perfect time for new beginnings. It’s like a clean slate, or the first page of a new book and you get to choose what you write on (or in) it. But, if you want this year to be different to last year then you have to do something different to what you did before.
Remember that nothing changes unless you do, and that whilst we might not always have control over the events, we always have a choice about how we react, which in turn determines the outcome we get.
2021 was a difficult year for many of us, and I know that for me there were times when I really struggled, especially towards the end of the year.
So, if you found yourself feeling depressed or struggling in 2021, I want you to know that you’re not alone and that it’s OK to not be OK!
We can’t help our feelings and we shouldn’t try to suppress them as this just pushes the problem back to a later date. So, if you’re feeling down, then let your feelings out! Acknowledge how you feel, and give yourself grace.
It’s OK to not be OK
I was really struggling towards the end of 2021, and so I gave myself permission to withdraw from the world for a while, and allow myself to feel sad and frustrated. Sometimes, it felt like I was the feather in the photo trying to hold up a whole pile of stones!

If you follow me on Instagram, you will have noticed that there are times when I disappear for a while (and a big thank you to those of you who send messages and ask after me), and this is necessary for me to take time for me, recharge my batteries and reset.
I think that it is one of the costs of the Covid pandemic. Whilst there have been numerous actions to look after our physical health (vaccines, hand sanitizers, vaccine passes, masks….etc.), it seems to me that our mental health got overlooked.

Yes, we have taken care of our physical health, but at what cost? What about all the people who have felt isolated, those who haven’t seen their families in nearly 2 years because they live in different countries, the elderly who have been spending their days and evenings without company? What about young people who have had to put their life on hold? And what about people who just feel frustrated that they can’t live their life the way they want to?

The problem is that right now we are in this situation where this is likely to persist at least for a while, so the “normal” approach to goal setting/ New Year Resolutions just might not work.
So, I want to share with you how I am tackling my goals this year, so that I can help you reset your life for 2022.
Step One : Take stock of where you are
First, of all, clear out any negativity that will hold you back. Let go of any anger, hurt or resentment over 2021, and especially acknowledge and let go of the things that you cannot act on, whilst also taking into account all the things that are within your control.
Take some time to declutter (physically and mentally). In order to move forward we need to clear out the past.
Also, one of the positive things that the pandemic taught me was that “less is more“. We were obliged to live with less travel, less social engagements, less appointments, less meetings, and even less makeup and life was calmer and simpler. So, moving forward, I want to keep my life “uncluttered”. That doesn’t mean I won’t be wearing makeup, going out or travelling! It just means that I will be more selective!
Take some time to clear your desk, get organised, declutter the house, declutter your closet and also declutter your mind!
Step Two: Let go of “Wish Lists”, acknowledge the things you can’t control and focus on those that you can.
When I first started to think about 2022, I started to think about everything I wanted in the New Year, and this is what I came up with :
- to be able to see my family and friends in other countries
- to be able to hug my loved ones
- to be able to go out to dinner without a vaccine passport
- to be able to walk around outdoors without a mask and see people’s smiles again
- to be able to travel again
- that PCR tests are just a bad memory !

The thing is that this is just a list of “wishes” and every single thing on this list is outside my control!
So if I go into 2022 with these “goals”, then I’m setting myself up for failure and a bad year.

So, when I look towards my goals/resolutions for 2022, it’s time to be a realist and ask myself, CAN I CONTROL THE OUTCOME OF MY ACTIONS? And if the answer is No, then I need to let go and move on!
Sometimes, you might genuinely think that you do have control over the outcomes, whereas in the light of the current pandemic you don’t! So, think very carefully as to whether you really do have full control.
For example, one of my goals for 2021 was to travel more, and I thought that this was under my control. I even put together an action plan for how to achieve this and booked trips, only to find that they were cancelled because of the pandemic! Little did I realise at the start of 2021 that my goals were going to lead to frustration and disappointment!
That being said, it’s also very important to realise and take account of how many things we CAN control. We get to choose so many things, from what we eat, what we read, what we watch on TV, what we listen to, who we spend our time with and even what we do with our day.
In order to take back control of your life in 2022, you are going to have to be very realistic as to what actions are 100% within your control, and also be clear on your priorities as it can be overwhelming to set too many goals.
Step Three : Lay the Foundations for Success – Set SMART goals.

Start Small and Invest in the Right Tools
Reflect on the past and the future and think about where you are now and where you want to be. Think about your 3 key areas of improvement for 2022.
Start to think about the tools you will need to achieve your goals. Maybe, you will need to invest in a planner, maybe you want to investigate gym memberships (depending on your location) or fitness apps. Take some time to think if the image you are portraying is the one you want people to see, and if not, why not? Perhaps, you need to invest in better quality clothes or perhaps you just need to work on co-ordinating your clothes.
Also, remember to START SMALL! If you’re tired, frazzled and a little bloated after New Year, don’t try to jump straight into a full fitness program, but catch up on sleep, exercise a little more, eat a little healthier…. you will then be in a better place to tackle big changes later.
Set realistic goals
Make sure to set realistic, achievable goals. If you’re currently a couch potato, it is unlikely you will be able to run a marathon in three months time, and setting that as a goal will only depress you and reduce your motivation.
We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish.
Don’t try to do too much too quickly. It’s hard enough to change one small bad habit/ adopt one new good habit without trying to tackle too many changes at once.
Instead, set a realistic goal for a shorter time frame and then review and set a new goal when you have achieved it.
Make sure to be specific and set a deadline
If you don’t set specific goals, how will you know if you’ve achieved them? It seems obvious but state what and by when!
For example, I want to be fitter is not a good goal, but I want to complete a half marathon by 30th June 2022 is!
Make sure you have a measurement system in place.
Goals should be specific and measurable. You can’t improve what you can’t measure so make sure that you include a daily/ weekly and/or monthly measurement tool/ system.
But remember that we are not perfect, we are human and life happens. So, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t meet your goals – just accept that it’s a normal part of life and carry on.

Persistence will win out every time. And, we all evolve at our own rate, so don’t compare yourself to others. Just review the progress you have made, and value progress over perfection!
Be flexible and change your action plan
It may be that you can’t achieve your goals by following the action plan you set out.
For example, you may have planned to join a gym to get fitter, but then the gym is closed.
Well, then, you need to be flexible and look into alternative ways of getting fit. There are lots on fitness videos on YouTube, for example, and have a look at these ideas for home workouts.
Take back control of your life in 2022
So, whilst this has been a very strange year, I want you to remember something that I occasionally forgot in 2021, that whatever 2022 throws at you, we ALWAYS have a choice!
While we cannot control all of the events that happen in our lives, we can ALWAYS control how we react to them. And, that how we react determines the outcome we get.
So instead of letting the pandemic take away your control, I encourage you to take back control of your life in 2022 and choose how you want to live your life.
We have more control than we think, and taking control over the small things leads to long-term big results. Remember, you get to choose how you live each day, what you nourish your mind with (what you listen to, read and watch), how you nurture your body (what time you get up, what you eat, how you exercise, what you wear, how you recharge, when you sleep..) and how you feed your soul (meditating, journalling, who you spend your time with) and what you choose to do with your time every single day!
We may have to adapt but that is part of life and when you focus on the positive and step out of your comfort zone, that’s when the magic happens!